Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 2, Week 1

Malas ku kan type lots of words eh. I'll get straight to the point.

Breakfast: a cup of coffee, a few spoonfuls of mee goreng and corn soup....SIKIT SAJA! I SWEAR!
Brunch: leftover fried rice from last night, ice cream
Lunch (haha baru jua brunch): buttermilk prawn sama lumpia
Dinner: steamed fish, spinach sama nasi bungkus.

Before you say I'm a good-for-nothing eating machine let me say that I went to Taman Rekreasi Tasek Lama (iyea labih) this morning with the rest of my fat-fighting fools. I managed to squeeze in 5 laps before brunch. HAHAHA palui 'squeeze in' lagi tu mcm handal banar.


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