Friday, June 3, 2011

Empty house


I am now alone in my house. My sister abandoned me to travel Europe with my aunts. Auntie2 ku kemari pasal cuti, pencen banyak free time and most important of all banyak duit. LOL cyal staie. At the moment I am out of ideas on what to blog/ramble about. Not much happening (iyea buat proper post) except we have a football match later. Leavers vs Be-leavers. Aku Bie-leiber. heuehueh. *dies*

EH! Siuk yo movie si Never Say Never. Gay plg sikit. Sad ada jua. Kiut eh Bieber si Imi membari kan menampiling terajang. hahaha I'd give the movie 7.8/10 hahaha tinggi palui membar hawaaaaaaaa. Exams start this coming week. My first paper is this tuesday, 7th and syukur kepada Allah swt (.....) i have done quite a bit of revision for this paper but not enough. Sekarang aku betowokol kepada-Nya (hehe) dan hope for the best.

Cawie eh posts ku mixed with english, melayu Brunei. Tamil saja alum pasal inda pandai. Mun pandai begulung kali lidah kamu membaca post ku eh. And and my fren say mun baca post ku its like aku cakap sendiri? hahah u be the judge hahahah

Ayt I needz 2 rest before main bura. Gots to go now. Talk to y'allz later. aku teseliur nasi goren sardine if there is such a thang.

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