Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Analysis of Organic Compounds

or something like that. mcm inda mau masuk pelajaran ah. masuk atu masuk tpi inda melakat. dunno why. inda baca2 kali before start. or i simply don't understand this chems3 thing. so yeah. what to talk about?

lately due to late night revision sampai pagi my sleeping pattern has worsened. dulu teruk sudah now jadi truck (get it?). I try to sleep after subuh (yes i pray) but end up dozing off at around 7-8am. iatah mun belajar masa atu bisai pasal inda salah ku ada somewhere in Islam or medical reference which states that mun belajar after subuh bagus berabis. tapi i can't study that time. dipajal sudah tapi inda dapat. so i usually layan with a movie. just yesterday i watched disney's hercules. gila buff ah ia tpi suaranya cawir. but i wouldnt want to mess with him if he was a real being.

so yeah aku sini buat review psl movie lah bisai. I give it a 7.5/10 simply because its animated and inda involve urang banar other than voice actors.

*boring jua post mu kali ani liq*

au banar boring psl masa ani mid-exam period and soon enough exams will end so i will no longer have any reason to live. i mean to blog about. summer is coming so i'll be busy doing the same old things. nothing. buang masa. tidur. mengasuh parut. and most important of all inda exercise unless futsal because after everysession gerenti makan. KFC mun di harun's and TK if main somewhere else.

speaking of mengasuh parut, i miss ambuyat goreng. yes there is such a thing arah this cafe di tengkubruneimentirimenglaitmanggis (not sure) tpi dakat ms jalan muara. its NOMZ! ambuyat goreng is like the love child of kwaytiaw(or any type of noodle) goreng and ambuyat. 2 of my most favourite foods after indomee indomee indomee.

Therefore according to Khaliq's 762nd Law of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

AMBUYAT (A) + MEE GORENG APA SAJA = <3 (units: NOMZ, nmz)

some of you maybe skeptical about this law but its real just like the air you breath(breathe? briz?) in. yo know, mcm you can't see but its there. u just have to believe blindly.

Bah atu tah saja. Subuh sudah. Kan azan ku ni.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

4 TO GO!

Hi again everyone! Kita bertemu lagi dalam rancangan becali dgn Mr Kari! *pliz dont laff. alum cali tu*

Sesungguhnya dunia ini penuh dengan dugaan, cubaan dan gulaian. -Liq Ross,2011.

So as the title above refers to the number of papers I have left to freedom. So crazy is this thing we call exams. But exams are good in their own way...maybe. Nada exam nada papa yg kan di passkan or difailkan. Urang brunei ani lain bah nyamu. Well I'm using myself as reference. Macam dulu time O Levels, of those 8 subjects I took, gerenti ada sebuting dua ku inda pandai. You may ask, then why did he take those subjects? Psl yang lain kompom lagi payah. Anyways the subjects I'm taking about are principles of accounting and additional maths. They were so hard to the point that I gave up on trying to learn yet alone understand these subjects from hell around mid form 4. HAHA!iatah mun fail pulang dijadikan kebanggaan.

I dont really have anything in particular to type/ramble/rant about. But apparently my fans have increased thanks to facebook (this I know psl aku dpt monitor stats siapa yang view blog ku ;D )

Though I gots to admit Mark Suckerberg is a genius for inventing Pezbuk. Time wasted on it means money for him. kali lah. how else do you get rich from websites other than adverts and pop-ups asa well as GROUPON offers. Inda ku berani kan groupon atu, takut ku virus. Computer ku lagi bukan Macbook so yeah vulnerable brbz.

Speaking of Macbook. Did you guys know ada species iPhone 4 (or i4n for short) yang albino sudah? its called i4n white (or i4n wyt 4 st) *4 st = for short* Anyways I currently own 2 apple products, the iPod classic and i4n black (i4n blk 4 st) As of now I can't afford to buy anymore apple products because of 2 major reasons:

1) mahal. (i had to sell a kidney for an iPod classic. and had to trade-in my brother for an i4n)

2) as soon as you get something from apple, there's bound to be a better vand improved version of it released the day after.(e.g iPad and iPad8)

Gotta hand it to Stiff Hobbs though for being able to manipulate people to buy his stuff. Mesti dijadikan role model ni. dropout of college and turn a fruit into some sort of cool gadget. I got plans of my own for that. Hopefully nada urang tepikir kan buat kembayau jadi computer or gaming console.

Since I am trying to study here, I will stop here for the time being. Will update if I get bored of studying (which is all the time). Hope you guys are satisfied with this post. Too bad there's no comment box macam arah Utama Grand =(

here's a song for you to listen to:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Zodiac Horror-scopes

How confident are you in your daily horoscope predictions?

Not entirely sure though. All I know I am hot, dry, aggresive and associated with the sun, fire and sky. Therefore I am a fiery-horse composed of metal that can fly, hence I am the redhotpegasus. And that is according to the chinese zodiac jadinya those born between 27th january 1990 to 14th february 1991. Mun horoscopes mcm libra aquarius atu inda ku pecaya tu, sihir tu.

For further information regarding a rehotpegasus like me, please visit

Its fucking eerie I tell you when you read the daily horoscopes and they hit a homerun. Mcm gila wah mun ngam prediction durang. Membari watir. Iatah nyangku sihir tu. Jgn dipecayai tu.

Enough about horoscopes, zodiac signs and whatnot. I wanna talk about mypast 2 papers. The first one aku confident pass. The 2nd one aku inda confident pass or fail. Cana tu? I dunno, didnt study for this. HAHA saklichavdisharpleyroadeh!!!

The first paper was alright. I could answer all the questions needed to be answered. Pasal out of 4 questions you have to answer three and aku andang target 3 topics. The last topic atu aku inda pernah masuk all the lectures and inda pernah memigang notes nya, let alone have it. So I had more time to concentrate and banar2kan the 3 questions. Gila eh I did the 3 past years (07-09) balik2 sampai hafal wah di mana typo ah. buduh. mun kena tnya dimana typo wah arah exam paper ah gerenti 1st class ni. jgn inda galat lecturer ah.

Onto the second paper, hard as shit. Dried shit, not the diarrhoea kind yang watery and runny. *ewww mihir kau ani liq* I DONT CARE. PAYAH WAH PAYAH!! cuba tah menjawap question about how to bring evidence from a crime scene to a laboratory for examination and from there bring it to court. bepaluh jua kali eh ketiak menulis. lecturer lagi inda minta bullet point because it "lacks context and coherence"....WHO THE HELL CARES! last2 jadi cigu nursery inda jua pedah 3tahun belajar, baik keraja di Ayamku seminggu. tantu. *no offense...or yes offense* apakan.

So yeah now I'm the library with a fellow redhotpegasus, using my precious revision time to update my good-for-nothing blog that all of you somehow like to read. haters are welcome ;)
Last2 nyasal ni, its always like that. Sudah turnover the exam paper mati akal. Marak mata balik2 baca soalan staie kan fahamkan. Sayang saja aying liur ah karing inda pedah2, baik di talan.

My next 2 papers are on analytical chemistry which is a piece of cake yang bangas. The second one is a double module paper on organic compounds that no one seems to get. Even Einstenberg gave up on chem and decided to discover energy using 3= /\/\c2 (read it and weep). Banar why study about compounds when it is what it is and you cant change it. Semuanya tertulis sudah tu. Mun alcohol jadi ester apa atu pun sudah ditakdirkan. Jgn tah staie kan membuat macam2. Nada tu. Nya kawanku tertulis atas batu. Batu belakang rumah ku yang kalau dipusing ada udang sebaliknya.

Thats it for now. Gonna try studying. Please read my blog. Your loyalty is what keeps me alive. You are the oxygen to my blog. You are the sky that completes my earthly blog. You are the sucker that is wasting your time on this blog. Buut I HEARTZ U nonetheless. <3

here iz a song to comfort u

Monday, June 6, 2011

Crapping my pants

if had any ;)

Tomorrow at this time I will be sitting for my first paper. Hopefully my revision and doing past years from the 80s will bear fruits...particularly durian. NYAMAN WAH TU YO! On a serious note, I really am panicking, though can't do anything about it too late to regret and I knew this would happen. Inda payah lagi nyasal....biasa sudah. kimak.

Right now my spirits are at an all time down low. Cooking pun inda helpful. So now I'm listening to songs to try and lift them heavy spirits up. And this may come as a surprise to you but aku bawa sembahyang hajat. Byk nyamu kebaikan smbhyg hajat ani especially mun ada hajat...HAJAT KU KAN PASS!!! jsdakfadshkjfhaskjfhaskjfhkajslfcnkj sadnchkjhknkacm <---tefadhil ku

The type of songs I listen to when I'm down are not those heavy rock, pop or RnB (maybe aku inda tau genre nya pulang) hahaha. I listen to good old disney songs. Ani top of my list. And if you say I have no music taste, you can lick my hairless armpits.

pastu mun keluar results exam and fail iatah rugi tu. inda menulung ni lagu ani. so ani ku dangar


bah I'm done here. gotta get out of this empty house and get some veggies. source of Vitamin P (pass) and clear skin. iyea sitauganban kalah dermatologist.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Empty house


I am now alone in my house. My sister abandoned me to travel Europe with my aunts. Auntie2 ku kemari pasal cuti, pencen banyak free time and most important of all banyak duit. LOL cyal staie. At the moment I am out of ideas on what to blog/ramble about. Not much happening (iyea buat proper post) except we have a football match later. Leavers vs Be-leavers. Aku Bie-leiber. heuehueh. *dies*

EH! Siuk yo movie si Never Say Never. Gay plg sikit. Sad ada jua. Kiut eh Bieber si Imi membari kan menampiling terajang. hahaha I'd give the movie 7.8/10 hahaha tinggi palui membar hawaaaaaaaa. Exams start this coming week. My first paper is this tuesday, 7th and syukur kepada Allah swt (.....) i have done quite a bit of revision for this paper but not enough. Sekarang aku betowokol kepada-Nya (hehe) dan hope for the best.

Cawie eh posts ku mixed with english, melayu Brunei. Tamil saja alum pasal inda pandai. Mun pandai begulung kali lidah kamu membaca post ku eh. And and my fren say mun baca post ku its like aku cakap sendiri? hahah u be the judge hahahah

Ayt I needz 2 rest before main bura. Gots to go now. Talk to y'allz later. aku teseliur nasi goren sardine if there is such a thang.

Rio rio Rio rio!

Hi again,

I am now trying to finish up my last report. Sial IR interpreting ani. I hatez ma lecturers who set up the lab manuals, ingat nya pandai banar kah urang brunei ani. Hellew we dont eat varvee like u do. So if not that, then what are bruneians good at? rambling and complaining and leaving the last morsel of food supaya inda kira tebarus kan makan semua.

Anyhoo, i just finished watching Rio. Made me cry...iyea inda paham happy feel good movie. Siuk berabis lah, I'd rate it 8/10. banar ni ratings ku. IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes pun refer arah aku when rating movies.

The movie was all about samba, at least that was what I remember of it. You see I was in the sky the whole time the movie was running, trying to fly like Blu. Mind you he's the main character voiced by Jesse Einsteinberg.

i like this song

and this is a good remake of the original version. yang featuring black eyed peas is the worst IMPHOYDDH (in my perfectly honest opinion yang datang dari hati)

OK, that's it for tonight. Not unless the last part of my report is being a bitch then I'll be blogging the night away and burning the midnight candle, menyalai the subuh tungking.

PEACE OUT! if u need me i'll be in Rio...............................still here.

Monday, May 30, 2011

DO NOT LIKE: Materialistz

So yeah here is a hate-post

As a hater, I would like to point out that you all suck. But that's what makes everyone special, you all suck in your own unique way. However there are some of those who suck so much to the point that it doesn't make them special, it just makes them suck balls and whatnot.

sweet ah opening ku?

Anyways, 'those' people are them materialistic ones. Definition of materialistic or mun inda paham ani bisai ada 3 tu definitions arah dictionary, mun lagi kamu inda paham iatah bisai dibukut tarus.

From the definitions given from the links above, have you ever met these kinds of people? I have, some are annoying, some are alright, some are ok and some I simply ignore. Don't get me wrong, I myself am a materializ so what if I'm a two-faced asshole? I likez. hahaha. Perasan ku ani my first serious post iatah kan dijadikan inda serious ni. Karang luan serious tekirit plg karang.

This post is not targeted to anyone *coughcoughcoucoughcoughsincoughcough* aku suka materialistz (iyea contradicting, biar tia aku takut wah) Now I'm not making any sense, panic ku selajur. But yeah, friends please jgn terasa, bukan utk kamu ni. Utk si anu saja. hahaha tau jua kamu aku pun byk barang-barang branded yg high-end and mahal. hahaha. but im messed up like that just like you guys are. aku inda suka urg yg 'alim' tpi brand-conscious and insecure mun barang bisdia inda mahal (lets say harganya inda over 100). Ku tampar plg krg mun cematu atu. good read. eyea staie nada ku baca, ku google saja "i hate materialists" HAHAHA ato ya belurus banar ku type ah.

Bah atu saja post ku for now. People watch-out if you see this hater walking your way. Baik tah kamu belakun baik and humble. Ku blog pasal kamu krg inda pedah2. iyea prasan gossip girl tapi nada urang membaca blog ku ah.

eleksha madapakaz. (-.-)Y

Friday, May 27, 2011

Reports Due. Champions League Final.

here I am in the computer lab trying to start my report which is due tomorrow 1pm. Correction, REPORTS. bagus kompom 1st class ni cani ani, jgn inda galat mun aku masuk newspaper kena tulis top student in the whole of UK for doing chemistry. ahh yess i do chemistry. napaan, cawie kah? geeky kah? duli ku bukan kamu membayarkan course ku ani.

But walaupun kena bayarkan mesti jua banar2 belajar ani. Bukannya sekadar kan pass2 dpt degree, mun buleh aim for first class nya urang putih sini ani. Urang putih nya staie kan bagi kata2 motivasi, diri sama jua 2x5 malas nya. sialan hahaha.

So reportS ku ani ada dua. satu pasal physical chemistry sebuting analytical. Physical atu psl topic on thermodynamics of cells. Analytical kami buat report based on the results of our analysis of gunshot powder residue left on a body when firing a gun. Boaie I didnt get to shoot the gun, my partner did but sabar saja, sesungguhnya sabar atu half of iman.

Reports ku yg dulu2 average lah saja markah nya, so yeah first class is within my grasp. By average i mean 12-14/25 hohoho saklikoeh. But thats what you get doing your report the night before it is due. iyea speaking.

Tapi ada jua hikmatnya membuat report last minute arah computer lab ani nyamu, belajar tarus (ferreals inda ku membual) psl tepaksa belakun wah mun duduk sebalah urg putih hitam apa yg belajar tapi diri youtube tah plg. Last2 belajar banar2 plg jadinya so Alhamdulillah. Yg siuknya lagi mun ngam2 ada seniors ku, dpt dibawa becali. bisdia atu lagi melayan iatah ku suka. Though perasan ku aku ganya yg becali, durg tukang ketawa saja atupun inda sure genuine laugh kah inda, tau2 sedakah saja.

Kalau ada dgn belajar/buat report, follow up nya order makanan tu. Highlight of the night bah tu. aku order the usual (staie baru jua 2-3 kali ku pernah order) VALUE BOX. isinya ayam basar 2 putung, 3 pieces spicy wings (usually nasib baik 4 buting), fuckloads of chips and minuman tin...all for £3.29. fuckin worth it. mun di London bah. £3 atu wah membali susu manis pun inda cukup.

This weekend Champions League final . Kami di Loughborough ani debating kan liat arah rumah siapa. Planning kan ali2 rumah depending on which team disupport. Yg mahalnya seorang saja support Barca. HAHA. eleksha kami 26 urg yg lain menyampit rh rumah senior ku.

Aku notice somehow posts ku semua nada flow. Tarus saja tukar2 topic dalam satu post atu. Mun dlm muvee kana ucap no character build up, no plot no storyline blablablablaballa pokoknya booshiet lah. But i dont care, kamu masih jua membaca. So what does that make you? hahah cari pasal.

Bah my next post will be about materialistic people. Bukan plg targeting anyone, in general lah. Aku inda mau sabut nama tapi aku bagi clue sapa. Related to me by blood. Bukan sibling. HAHAHA sial family sudah masih jua kan diucap.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Movie inside a movie

mindfuck! period. wonder what happened to Kate. guess she only got fatter.

Theory ku

Title says it all.

Aku ada theory wah. It goes like this. Online social activity is directly proportional to studying/revising work. Well in my case it is. Si Faris aka Sniper of the West aka Dragon-Tamerz aka Pokemon Master Trainer aka Runescape Overlord pulang who came up with this theory originally. Therefore its called The Runescape Dragon's Law.

Aku ada bali game Nintendo DSi. Namanya Pokemon White. Siuk tapi I forgot how melaratz playing on Nintendo can be. Previous versions (Pearl and Ruby) aku main arah PC pakai emulator (yes i am cheap that way) and di sana dpt speed up 500% the game inda salah ku by holding down space bar. Iatah bisai, jim uleh ku dalam sehari dua. Atu tah membuatnya ku dpt 3C time A Level. iyea sial alasan.

Selama ani tidur ku inda menantu. Sudah pun bepenyakit mun inda cukup tidur, masih jua maksa diri. Bukan lagi belajar tu akhir tidur ah buduh2. Bukan plg nyumpah diri tapi thats the only way I can think of to describe it. Membuang masa wah. Iatah dijadikan alasan ni sudah exam kepayahan pastu keluar result menyasal. Nya urg tua2 nasi sudah jadi bubur. Mun urg indon nya bisdia indomee sudah karing. Mun malaysia, maggi sudah mengembang.

Time2 exam ani macam2 tah benda kan dibuat, pebaik boring janji inda belajar. Want to see procrastination at its best? Liat aku seminggu before exam. Atu tah masanya keluar bakat yang jarang bepakai. Main bula lah, jogging lah, menerikah baju seluar, merayau town seorang2 sambil minum kinder bueno white shake tapi the BEST way to procrastinate is to COOK. Banaaaaaa. aku memang plg handal memasak tapi sudah dakat periksa atu mikin handal. gourmet wah ku masak. membuat baga from scratch. menyalai kambing. hahaha sialan tapi banar. (baca previous post though not sure if ada any relevant connection)

Oh and the past month aku atu kan becali sama adiku (si Yumz). Plan kami atu kan spam/post arah each other's feyzbewq wall with words of wisdom (deep quotes). Mcm baie prasan Confucius. palui tu ia atu, tau2 urg Illuminati.

So I end this post with one of my famous deep quotes:

"You beat meat to make it tender, so don't do it to your own."

Procrastination during Examination

Gila handal ku rapping arah title ah. Btw salam brothers and sisters (iyea)

Honestly aku lupa pasal blogs for the past year or so or susu.

Di sini aku kan update saja2 pebaik inda cali mcm dulu zaman muda2. Jeles ku meliat blog beupdate ah. Au diam2 aku membaca blog bisdia jua pasal boring.

So yeah exams in 2 weeks, kamu abis sudah tu celebrate, beperancitan champagne sana sini, bebuyah2 rambut kamu. Kami sini masih kan revise. Durang plg saja tu, aku inda. Massa ani aku catch up on loads of TV series macam Chuck, House, Modern family, tubemerah dan yj. Sakit jua mata lah tiap2 malam marak meliat video 'cali' udang.

Usul2nya adi/abang ku update blog nya consistently, membari watir. he is on this 100 day project thingy where u update your blog everyday for 100days consecutively (iyea banar2 explain ah). I've seen a couple of thse 'projects' on fezbuk jua. Tapi different type lah, ada yg macam 30 day song challenge, posting your favourite songs on your page for a month. Ada lagi the 7 day update. Pokoknya macam2 lah.

However, IMPHOYDDH (in my perfectly honest opinion yang datang dari hati) semua ani inda berfaedah wah. lol padas mcm baie. I mean yes I respect what you are doing, to show-off or prove that you actually listen to music tapi entah inda pedah pengliatan ku. Maybe I'm a naturally born-HATER.

I guess thats it for now, gila barapa batah jarak nya post ani with the last one. Also if kamu notice my diet plan failed (as it was foretold) hahah aku bakas skimming through my old posts. Oh and fuck k-pop. K-porn FTW! \m/