Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Analysis of Organic Compounds

or something like that. mcm inda mau masuk pelajaran ah. masuk atu masuk tpi inda melakat. dunno why. inda baca2 kali before start. or i simply don't understand this chems3 thing. so yeah. what to talk about?

lately due to late night revision sampai pagi my sleeping pattern has worsened. dulu teruk sudah now jadi truck (get it?). I try to sleep after subuh (yes i pray) but end up dozing off at around 7-8am. iatah mun belajar masa atu bisai pasal inda salah ku ada somewhere in Islam or medical reference which states that mun belajar after subuh bagus berabis. tapi i can't study that time. dipajal sudah tapi inda dapat. so i usually layan with a movie. just yesterday i watched disney's hercules. gila buff ah ia tpi suaranya cawir. but i wouldnt want to mess with him if he was a real being.

so yeah aku sini buat review psl movie lah bisai. I give it a 7.5/10 simply because its animated and inda involve urang banar other than voice actors.

*boring jua post mu kali ani liq*

au banar boring psl masa ani mid-exam period and soon enough exams will end so i will no longer have any reason to live. i mean to blog about. summer is coming so i'll be busy doing the same old things. nothing. buang masa. tidur. mengasuh parut. and most important of all inda exercise unless futsal because after everysession gerenti makan. KFC mun di harun's and TK if main somewhere else.

speaking of mengasuh parut, i miss ambuyat goreng. yes there is such a thing arah this cafe di tengkubruneimentirimenglaitmanggis (not sure) tpi dakat ms jalan muara. its NOMZ! ambuyat goreng is like the love child of kwaytiaw(or any type of noodle) goreng and ambuyat. 2 of my most favourite foods after indomee indomee indomee.

Therefore according to Khaliq's 762nd Law of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

AMBUYAT (A) + MEE GORENG APA SAJA = <3 (units: NOMZ, nmz)

some of you maybe skeptical about this law but its real just like the air you breath(breathe? briz?) in. yo know, mcm you can't see but its there. u just have to believe blindly.

Bah atu tah saja. Subuh sudah. Kan azan ku ni.

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